Wednesday, September 29, 2010

End of Summer Reading

Guess what??? My new KINDLE arrived last week and I have already loaded it up with new books to read...oh how I have missed it!

Book #1 (current book I am reading): Mini Shopaholic

I am SO SO SO happy that Sophie Kinsella has come out with a new chapter in this series. I have read all the Shopaholic books and was so depressed when I finished the last one...until now! I am about half way through this one and it is great - there have been times I laughed out loud while reading it. Most of you know I take my Kindle with me to the gym to read on the cardio machines, so I got some strange looks when I was laughing to myself on the treadmill! I would strongly recommend this one.

***Note: Since I wrote this post, I have finished the book - so cute! I think there might be more to come in the Shopaholic line!

Book #2 (on pre-order for November delivery): Happy Ever After

I absolutely can't wait until this book comes out. I love 'series' of books and Nora Roberts loves her some series! Much like with Shopaholic, I was in a depression when I finished these books and now she has finished the last in the group. Maggie has discussed these on her blog before and I am hooked. I have read other Nora Roberts series as well and they are all good reads.

Ryals gave me my Kindle for my birthday last year and it is the best present I have received. I use it so often, it has paid for itself over and over! The new price of the Kindle is $139 which is about a third of what it used to be. It would be a great present!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Lauren I just stumbled on your blog and I have to tell you, I looooove the Shopaholic series too!!! I was dying when I saw that there was a new book and I didn't even know it! :D
