Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sips 'n Strokes

I was so sad to miss out on Monday Night Girls' Dinner last night, but I did miss for a good reason! One of the sales reps that calls on us at work asked our team to go to Sips 'n Srokes last night. This has been on my list of things to do for years!

The Dunwoody location of Sips 'n Strokes is up in Dunwoody near Riley Salon (remember Riley Salon? hahahahaha - blast from the past) on Chamblee Dunwoody. It took me a while to get up there in rush hour traffic, but was worth it! We started off doing dinner at a place called Mudcatz which was right across the street. It was definitely an interesting place (be sure to check out the gallery pictures on their website). Not the greatest food, but great drinks and conversation!

After snacking on onion rings, shrimp and salad, we made our way across the street to the studio. It is basically one big room with tables and paintings everywhere! When we walked in, there were cute girls galore (and one boy - ha) - I would imagine that there were about 50 people or so there. We had our own little table and the sales reps that took us set up a little champagne, wine and CUPCAKES station to enjoy while we painted!

I loved the painting that we got to paint last night, but was a little concerned about how I was going to make it look like the one on the website! Well, they have a teacher up at the front of the class that walks you through every step of the painting. Once you get all the main shapes down, you can add your own little accents to the painting to give it personality. Of course, a group of 10 designers would not follow the rules and would try to make a completely different painting. I was cracking up because I kept looking at all the other groups' paintings (which all looked exactly like they were supposed to) and then I looked at our group and nothing looked the same! Haha - people even commented on how our group really went outside the box!

Soooo...I thought I would give mine a more abstract feel and after a couple of glasses of champagne, my inner-impressionist came out! Hahaha - I don't think it looks much like what it was supposed to, but its different.

Here are some more photos to enjoy!

Douglas' painting was like the polar opposite of mine! All neat and clean while mine was a mess!

The whole group!

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